Audience Participation

Where Do I Keep Disappearing To? | Life and Channel Update #7 | June 2021

Where Do I Keep Disappearing To? | Life and Channel Update #7 | June 2021

So here I am, once again, here to tell you why I suddenly dropped off the radar the last week or so. Obviously this was not part of the plan, in fact it was quite the opposite. I was all geared up last week to work on a series of projects for M4J for the next few weeks, but little did I know what was about to happen.

Does Anyone Remember How To Write A Blog?! | Life and Channel Update #4 | September 2020

Does Anyone Remember How To Write A Blog?! | Life and Channel Update #4 | September 2020

Hello everyone, and welcome to this heavily delayed update blog.

I would love to say there are valid reasons for the huge gap between updates, and there has been one major reason, but overall my focus has been elsewhere over the last few months and because of that I just never got around to writing any blog posts.

Channel Update #3 | February 2020

Channel Update #3 | February 2020

Firstly I’d just like to answer the question as to why there was no update last month. The simple answer is I didn’t feel there was enough going on to warrant its own post. However this month a lot has happened so here I am to update you all!