
A Milestone Year! | Life and Channel Update #15 | January 2023

A Milestone Year! | Life and Channel Update #15 | January 2023

We made it to 2023, and this year is a huge milestone year for both me and the channel. Let’s talk about why!

Perfect Planning! | Life and Channel Update #14 | December 2022

Perfect Planning! | Life and Channel Update #14 | December 2022

How do you cope when your computer that has all your videos saved on it sh*ts the bed? Well that’s a question I’ve had to answer in the last couple of weeks. Thankfully, perfect planning came to the rescue!

Time To Move! | Life and Channel Update #12 | September 2022

Time To Move! | Life and Channel Update #12 | September 2022

You wait ages for an update post, then 2 come along at once! This update is more of an announcement than anything else, so let’s get into it!

A Slight Tweak To The Norm! | Life and Channel Update #9 | April 2022

A Slight Tweak To The Norm! | Life and Channel Update #9 | April 2022

Ok so I only just missed out on making this post a month after the last, so it still counts as monthly, right? Anyway, I have a small, teeny weeny tweak to my schedule to announce, so let’s get into it!